Andorra Free Market

lunedì 8 febbraio 2010

Maintenance and updating to Andorra Free Market websites while working for Diprotech, Barcelona.

Technology used: php, Mysql, Ajax, Javascript, e-commerce


Website: Priscilla

lunedì 20 ottobre 2008

Priscilla webcommunity was born in late 2002 as a free art website where every one could publish his/her writings, photos, images. It is in Italian.

Pure Html coding =)


Roma Yoga Ashram Website

venerdì 17 ottobre 2008

During July 2008 I developed the website Roma Yoga Ashram for the Naad Yoga School in Rome, Italy.

The design of the web page was done by a professional graphic designer, I adapted it to the web site and implemented all the Html and dynamic code with Java Script.


Virtual Reality Training for surgeons, CRV, Barcelona

mercoledì 15 ottobre 2008

This was my thesis for the university degree, the full title is: "Training system for surgeons on laparoscopy operation with the help of Virtual Reality". I developed the project for the Virtual Reality Center in Barcelona.

The aim of the system is to train surgeons to become familiar with the tools they need during laparoscopy operations (a kind of large scissors) and mainly know how to operate looking to a video screen that shows what they are doing from a different perspective.

This simulate the lap. operation environment in which a camera is inserted in the body of the patient and the surgeon can see what he/she is doing looking to a tv screen.

The following image explains the system architecture.

For more info about laparoscopy click here

The system is composed of

  • a joystick
  • an application


The joystick was done using a plastic box and the sensor used is the Polhemus Fastrak, an electro-magnetic 3D sensor. The following scheme explains how the joystick looks like.


The Laparoscopic Viewer is the application that I developed, it allows the user to choose different angle of view during the practice and it simulates in real time a virtual cord (in the video it is in yellow) that the user can catch by touching it with the laparoscopic tools and then manipulate.

This is to be considered as a first module of a larger application in witch the user will learn how to knots with the virtual cord.

To do this second phasis of the project it is necessary that the cord detects external 3D objects but as it required more time that I had to present my final project we had to postpone that part.


A simple video about the final result (sorry for the bad quality)

If you want more info about this project please contact me


Hi all

Hi everybody! In this blog I will publish all the Virtual Reality and web works I will accomplish and my final work for the university. I studied at the Politechnic of Turin, Italy for 4 years and 2 years at the Politecnichal University of Barcelona, Spain. I got my degree on Sept, 2007 on a training program for surgeons with the help or VR. The project was developed for the Virtual Reality Center of Barcelona.

For every post I will explain what the project / website was about and post some pic about it, this will be my online portfolio, I hope you appreciate it and that it can inspire other people.